
Welcome to the website for the York Older People’s Assembly

For details of the Assembly and of events and information for older people, please click on the links on the menu above or the links below, alternatively contact us by post or email.

The Autumn Newsletter is here!   

(Please click on the image below to link to the file.)


Chair’s Letter

September 2024

Dear Members and Friends,

Our Autumn Newsletter is now being distributed – please find a copy on our website. Thank you for feedback; we welcome comments and contributions.

Our next event is an Open Meeting on Monday 16th September at Friends Meeting House from 2pm to 4pm. This is a special event being held jointly with Age Friendly York and concentrating on housing. We will welcome Councillor Michael Pavlovic, the Executive Member for Housing to introduce the session alongside Jim Cannon, Chair of YOPA.

Speakers from a range of organisations will provide information and offer the chance to raise questions and ideas on 8 different topics. These are:

Telecare and Equipment from Be Independent

Falls Prevention Team

Later life housing decision making

Intergenerational accommodation

Retrofitting homes – Home Energy Project Manager

Housing development and homes for life

Access to information to enable an informed choice

Housing Options

This will be a real opportunity to share views and opinions in groups on issues that affect us all.

The 50+ Festival and International Day of Older People (IDOP) programmes are now available online on our website. Printed copies can be obtained from libraries, community centres, St Sampson’s, Age UK shops and Visit York.


See our display in West Offices Foyer over the next month.

The Festival will be held from 21st September to 6th October 2024. There are over 110 events in the programme covering a very wide range of activities from walks to talks and everything in between. Please contact Mary Cannon (Tel 01904 332613  email marycannon3988@gmail.com) if you can offer to help. Check the website for details at www.yorkassembly.org.uk/50-festival/

International Day of Older People (IDOP) is celebrated across the world on 1st October.

This year our focus on Saturday 28th September will be an IDOP Celebration Parade at 12 noon beginning at York Theatre Royal and going through Museum Gardens, with a stop at St Helens Square, where the Lord Mayor will receive the parade and a creative ” happening” will include music and dancing before moving on to St Sampsons centre for refreshments. Come along and join in the parade!!

Dianne Willcocks is heading up the IDOP programme – please let Dianne (Tel 07850 111299   email d.willcocks@outlook.com) know if you want more information or can help in any way. We are keen to have volunteers to join in the parade so come along and bring a friend.

More dates for diaries

The Age Friendly York Citizens Group is open to all older people in York and details are available at AgeFriendlyYork@york.gov.uk. The next session will be on Thursday 3rd October at West Offices from 10 – 11.30am – all are welcome.

Our Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be on Monday 21st October at Friends Meeting House. A Buffet lunch will be available from 1 pm onwards before the meeting begins at 2.pm.

We are always on the lookout for Trustees and supporters so if you are interested, do get in touch. A formal agenda will be circulated in advance of the meeting. Please book it in your diary.

Finally, an apology that the dates shown in the Newsletter for the 50 + Festival were copied across from last year in error – mea culpa (I am to blame!).

The correct dates as above are 21st September to 6th October 2024

Jim Cannon

Chair, York Older People’s Assembly, Email: yopachair@outlook.com

Members Notes:

We are now halfway through our membership year from April to March. Membership subscriptions for 2024 are now due and remain at only £5 per member (£10 for couples) – extra donations are very welcome

Only paid-up members will be entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting although supporters are welcome to attend as well.

Please consider paying by Standing Order to improve our efficiency. Our new bank account details are as follows: –             Account Name:       York Older Peoples Assembly

Bank:                       Lloyds Bank

Sort Code:               30-99-50

Account Number:    77997668

Please note it is ESSENTIAL to ask your Bank to quote your full name on the instructions from them to our Bank. If you have any queries, please phone the office, or call our Treasurer Shirley Reed on 01759-372993.


Age Friendly York

Open Meetings, All welcome

First Thursday, February, April, June, August, October & December

10.00 – 11.30

West Offices, Station Rise

Age Friendly York – City of York Council

email: AgeFriendlyYork@York.gov.uk

telephone: 01904 554595




York Older People's Assembly



York Older People's Assembly


Contact us

If you are an older person and interested in learning more about our work and perhaps becoming a member, browse this website, send us an email, or come to one of our Open Meetings.

York Older People's Assembly
York Older People's Assembly

Tel: 07965 246193

Email: yorkolderpeoplesassembly@outlook.com

York Older People’s Assembly

St Sampson’s Centre, Church Street


Working for older people in York, we aim to:

  1. represent the views of older people in York to decision makers locally and nationally.
  2. Inform older people about services that are available.
  3. Identify where needs are not being met.