Contact York Older People’s Assembly

If you would like further information on York Older People’s Assembly, or have any questions or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you!

Please email us and we will get back to you.

York Older People’s Assembly
St Sampson’s Centre
Church Street
York YO1 8BE

Tel: 07965 246193

(email & phone normally monitored two mornings/week)

York Older People's Assembly
York Older People's Assembly

Tel: 07965 246193


York Older People’s Assembly, St Sampson’s Centre, Church Street, YORK YO1 8BE

Working for older people in York, we aim to:

  • Represent the views of older people in York to decision makers locally and nationally.
  • Inform older people about services that are available.
  • Identify where needs are not being met.
  • Work with the local authority and others to make York an age-friendly city