Membership of York Older People’s Assembly

Membership Form (click on image below to download)

York Older People's Assembly

We warmly invite you to join us.

If you’d like to know more, please feel free to read our information and some of the benefits awaiting you (below).

Membership is £5 p.a. and is open to older individuals and representatives of older people’s organisations.

Simply download and print out the membership form (left), fill it in, and post it to us together with your membership fee.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about Membership.

The subscription year is April 2024 – March 2025

Annual Subscriptions are due on the 1st April and remain at only £5 per member (£10 for couples) offering great value for money!

The benefits of Membership include –

  • Being members of a body which lobbies on behalf of older people to the Council and other statutory/official bodies
  • Regular Open meetings for you and your friends at which matters relating to older people in York are discussed
  • Four newsletters a year with articles of interest to older people
  • Information Fairs with many stands of local older people’s organisations
  • Annual 50+ Festival with dozens of events across the City ranging from exercise and fitness to local history, music and gardening

Please consider paying by Standing Order to improve our efficiency. Our Bank account details are as follows:

Account Name: York Older Peoples Assembly

Sort Code:  30-99-50

Account No:  77997668

Please note it is ESSENTIAL to ask your Bank to quote your full name on the instructions from them to our Bank. If you have any queries, please contact the office.

We welcome donations and several members add a donation to their subscription.

All this is carried out by volunteers! Please help us to keep going!

Gift Aid

We can also claim Gift Aid from the government for those who pay income or capital gains tax. If this applies to you, please let us know as this will allow us to claim an extra 25% on your subscription and donations.

York Older People's Assembly
York Older People's Assembly

Tel: 07965 246193


York Older People’s Assembly, St Sampson’s Centre, Church Street, YORK YO1 8BE

Working for older people in York, we aim to:

  • Represent the views of older people in York to decision makers locally and nationally.
  • Inform older people about services that are available.
  • Identify where needs are not being met.
  • Work with the local authority and others to make York an age-friendly city